Dear Jules
Everything is going to be ok. That little being growing inside of you is going to be ok. He is strong and he is the bravest little boy you will ever know. He lights up the room with his cheeky grin and will make you laugh more than a comedian ever could. He’s energetic and active and is oh so determined. Don’t ever say to him that he can’t do anything because that’s just not going to happen. He may not say Mumma but his eyes will say a whole lot more. He may not say he loves you but his hugs are way better than words. You’ve made deep connections with people you’d never dream of meeting and that tribe will always have your back helping you through the darkest of times when you feel like all is lost. Those same people will also be cheering you and your son from the sidelines and celebrating all the milestones he makes.
He’s changing the way the world sees him and his friends and is making this world a better place just by him being in it. Please don’t worry. You really shouldn’t. Because he is one remarkable little being who has the world at his fingertips. Anything is possible when he has you and Luke and Elie by his side. He will be a gift and will be the shining light in at times what can seem like complete darkness and solitude. The sleepless nights, the surgeries, the appointments, the therapies will all be worthwhile for he will be strong, brave, fearless and will show you a life filled with unimaginable happiness and love. He is worthy. His life is worthy. And once you lay your eyes on your newborn son, all of those questions and thoughts will be completely gone. As the magnitude of your love for him will far outweigh the fears and doubts that have been placed upon your shoulders. Xx
Written by Jules,
Ambassador Grayson's mum
