Hi I'm Sophie,
I am 17 and I go to mainstream secondary school, this year I will be in Year 11.
I love colouring in acting, singing, dancing and flying with my Dad.
I have been singing and dancing for 12 years now and really enjoy performing on stage! I love musical theatre, going to live shows and spending time with my family, friends and support workers.
I am an actress and have appeared in all 3 series of, Mustangs FC (on ABC Me), playing the role of Summah.
I am a regular volunteer at Pinchapoo – (Australia’s number one not for profit hygiene supplier) where I assist in stickering and preparing hygiene packs amongst other things! It is great fun, we even have dress up days which I love!
I would like to get a job as an actor and I would like to have my own coffee cart business one day!
I have really enjoyed being a Celebrate T21 Ambassador for the past 2 years.
Written by Sophie
From Mum
"Sophie is a sassy, spirited 17 year old teen who loves life and lives it to the full. Sophie has an outward personality which endears her to people and she has an exuberant enjoyment of life! She has a cheeky sense of fun and a wonderful sense of humour. Sophie loves without limits and bring affection in spades. Sophie attends mainstream, school, dance, drama and singing classes and loves to perform.
Sophie is a very valued member of the community and has a very giving nature.
Sophie has taught me to see the world through the eyes of unconditional love"
Written by Gayle, Sophie's Mum