Marlie is full of life and loves sharing love and happiness wherever she goes. She loves water and anything to do with it, swimming, surfing, waterparks. She loves having her photo taken and spreading the word that down syndrome is cook to everyone she meets. She comes from a family of animal lovers and she is absolutely no different often stopping strangers to ask their name and that of their dogs so she can have a play. Even with all her many medical appointments and procedures she takes it in her stride and handles.it all with a smile on her face and hug for doctors and nurses always. She loves school and her friends and doesn't like school holidays as she has to be away from school.
Being her mum is a blessing and she has brought our whole family and friends so much love joy and happiness we could only have dreamed of. She is changing how people view people Down syndrome daily and that's is priceless.
Written by Kathy, Marlie's Mum