Kaylee-Jayde who has just turned 3 is the definition of a "Warrior Princess"! Having spent half of her life in hospital just battling for survival due to various chronic heart and respiratory conditions, 5 major heart surgeries and a failed full heart repair. Then suffering a major stroke just prior to her second birthday Kaylee-Jayde keeps defying all of her treating Doctor's expectations!
Kaylee-Jayde loves spending time with her cousin Laylah and her Great Grandfather who shares a very special bond. KJ as we call her loves books, Bluey, Teletubbies, music, the beach and swimming and her cat Bella.
Having lost the use of right side due to the stroke she is sitting by herself, using keyword sign and having approximately 30 spoken words with putting two words together. Although Kaylee-Jayde is considered palliative, she's determined, strong willed, has a massive desire to learn, love and fight on despite the odds!
Written by Allison, Kaylee-Jayde's Grandma